I had coffee yesterday with a colleague who reminded me that the last 60 or so years have been madly excessive (propelled by non-renewable resources).
The party is over, she said.
We need to go back to simpler, slower times, integrating previously sustainable, peaceful and joyful ways of life, and … we’re going to be ok.
Really, that’s it? I asked.
She nodded.
I was good to hear someone say that we’re going to be ok.
So that’s it? I reiterated.
She nodded again, emphatically.
I better get to work simplifying and slowing down then, I said.
We went on to talk about gardening and community arts, losing track of the time.
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Solutions exist outside the illusion that the world and its resources are not circular. Leaving behind the illusionary paradigm is the beginning of a new reality!